Men With a Mission Full Truth Church of God Deliverance Centre Men’s Fellowship Mission Statement To create an atmosphere conducive to positive transformation in the lives of men, through fellowship, bible study, prayer and practical application of the principles learned through these initiatives.Read More →

Matthew 6: 16 “When ye Fast, be not , as the hypocrites.” Precious Saints our meditation comes from Matthew 6: 16 “When ye Fast, be not , as the hypocrites.” Please note that Jesus never said, “If you fast”. In verse 7 He says , ” When you pray”. Just like how prayer is not optional, likewise fasting cannot be optional. Jesus Himself fasted  Matt 4:2 . Moses fasted, Elijah fasted , Daniel fasted Dan 10:2-3. What then is Fasting? Fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. There are occasions in the Bible when people did fast without food or water for as longRead More →